The main goal of the project is to innovate and develop new forms and teaching methods in seniors' education that will focus on cyber security not only on the Internet but also on social networks and will reflect the requirements of necessary prevention of ever-increasing cyber attacks on seniors.
Other goals are:
- Improvement and development of competencies in media literacy of lecturers in individual partner organizations in the education of seniors
- Creating an open and free international website where it will be possible to share outputs of the project, new experiences for the practice and education of seniors on the safe use of modern technologies can be shared, focusing on social security as well as on-line education for seniors
- Joint creation and design of innovative methods and forms of senior cyber security education through outputs (video, comics, experiment, research, learning method, game, interactive exercises, etc.) for each project partner will provide to organizations that are dedicated to security on the Internet for seniors in each country to support open pedagogy in the field of senior education
- International experience of lecturers in the field of adult education
- long-term sustainability of the project and further cooperation with involved partners and organizations even after the end of the project